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Once registered on our website you will be able to request and download an unlimited amount of User Guides and Manuals.
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Once registered, all your requests and User Manuals will be checked and sent to you by email as quickly as possible.
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The price of your subscription includes unlimited use of our service! Unlimited documents and user manuals requests.
Our service allows you to launch a search for a user manual in just a few clicks. As soon as your request is made, it reaches our customer service team who manage our database of over 800,000 user guides to find the one you are looking for. Once located, it will be emailed to you in .pdf format within 24 business working hours. All you have to do is click on the download link provided in the email and download your user guide. To maximize your satisfaction, our teams do their best to find your instructions and send it to you as soon as possible. If it is not part of our database, we will perform an additional search either directly on the internet or by contacting the manufacturer where possible to maximize your chances of obtaining your user guide without any additional cost to you. Get the instructions youโre looking for by entering the make, model and your email in the form at the top of the page!
Paid personal assistance service. 7 days discovery offer at โฌ0.95 with an unlimited number of requests. Your subscription to our service is configured by default to be renewed automatically at the end of your discovery period, with tacit renewal. Your subscription is charged โฌ89.95 monthly and your credit card will be debited with this amount. You can disable this automatic renewal, and thus terminate your subscription, at any time during its entire term, this request will take effect at the end of your current subscription period. For more information, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.